【Anna Merkaba】4月7日《自由门户已经开启!》
Greetings Everyone! The FREEDOM portal has opened her doors to all of us! And it is now time to utilize these energies in order to fully purge everything from your system finally once and for all! Use this loving, supportive, uplifting energy to carry you forward to new heights!
问候!自由门户已经向我们打开!是时候去利用这些能量, 以便完全净化你系统中的一切,一劳永逸!使用这个有爱,支持, 提升的能量来将你带到新的高度!
If you have not done so already find a quiet moment today and write down everything that YOU WANT to see manifest in your reality in the next 3 months. Be as specific as you can be. Once you are done, make another list of everything that you wish to LET GO of, and be done with. Throw away or burn the paper with all that you no longer wish to see in your life.
如果你还未这么做,在今天找到一个安静的时刻, 写下你想要在接下来的3个月看到显化在你现实中的东西。 尽可能地具体。一旦你做完,再写一张你希望放下之物的列表。 扔掉或烧掉你不再希望在生活中看到的
And keep the other list with you at all times. Carry it with you. Look at it frequently to remind yourself what it is that you want to see manifest in your reality. And pay attention every single moment of every single day to all the little intricate synchronicities that will begin to surround you. USE the clues that you will receive from your guides and ACT on various opportunities magically presenting themselves to you.
把其他的列表时刻带在身边。 经常看看它去提醒自己你想要看到什么显化在你的现实中。 在每时每刻留意所有开始围绕你的复杂同时性。 使用你会从指导中接收的线索,基于各种魔法般呈现自己的机遇。
PAY ATTENTION to your feelings, and should you find yourself slipping back into old thinking patterns, pull out the paper and read it again! STAY POSITIVE. THINK POSITIVE. And you shall manifest the reality of your dreams!
注意你的感受,你会发现自己何时跌回了旧的思考模式,拿出纸, 再读一遍!保持积极。思考积极。你会显化你梦想的现实!
REMEMBER NOW is a VERY auspicious time and let no one tell you so otherwise! LISTEN to your intuition, to your heart to your own higher self and your own guides. POSITIVE VIBES WILL CREATE POSITIVE LIVES!
谨记此刻是一个非常吉利的时刻,不要让任何人干扰你! 聆听你的直觉,你的心,你的更高自我,你的指导。 积极的气氛会创造积极的生活!
Stay in JOY, LOVE, LIGHT AAAAANNND FREEDOM! :) I love you all very much and am sending you beautiful vibrant energies to uplift you and surround you in peace and harmony, stabilizing your stride as you continue on your beautiful journey here on earth!
处于喜悦,爱,光和自由!:)我非常地爱你们, 发送你美丽的振动能量来提升你,将你围绕在平和与和谐中, 稳固你的跨步,随着你继续美丽的地球之旅!
翻译:Nick Chan
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